Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Battle

The Battle of Land and Sea
I found this band about two years ago and i have been reeling from amazement ever since. Formed in 2006 with Sarah O’Shura(vocals/guitar) and Joshua Canny(guitar) they become part of the Notenuf record label based out of brooklyn, new york. With completely orignal work and Sarah's haunting vocals it will leave you wanting more everytime. Check out their myspace.

Michel Gondry

Michel Gondry

If you're not fimiliar, get fimiliar! He's been around awhile, but few know who the man is that is behind such works as: Music videos for bjork, chemical brothers, white strips and daft punk, he's also directed films such as: Be kind rewind and the science of sleep. His work is truely one of a kind and i can only wish to have as much talent as him.....truely an artist of our time.

Crazy Insane

If you like bowie and lou reed you must watch this! The story follows Zac and his struggle to acccept himself. It's a movie about his life and the path of self-discovery he finds himself on. The soundtrack is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! Beware: if you don't like foreign films stay far away because the entire movie is in Itailian.